note: These photographs originated in an old 4 x 5 rail camera (a Linhof)
for which I have four lenses (Schneiders) ranging from 65 to 305 mm. The
images on black-and-white film, Polaroid Type 55 or Kodak Tri-X, as well
as the
color images on Fuji slide film, were converted into computer
files with an Epson 2450 scanner. Only the images
in "A Mountain of Memory" were made from scratch digitally, using a point-and-shoot
camera. Whether the images were originally on film or in electronic memory,
I have edited all of them using "Picture Window Pro" by Digital Light and Color.
I have striven to learn all that I could from Jonathan Sachs about this
editing program, which he created, and from Norman Koren about calibrating,
scanning, and printing digital photographs. My thanks to both of you!
Chuck Bearden wrote the original code for the web site, although
I have now tinkered with it endlessly.